Boracay beach and boracay girls
I love traveling and seeing a lot of wonderful places, places where nature is beautiful and well preserved environment. I recently went home to my native country, the Philippines to visit friends and relatives. I haven't been home for so many years, but when I finally came back a lot of changes had happened.
Boracay is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and has been featured in so many travel magazines a place to see and enjoy. Boracay is just an hour away from my ancestral home. In the late 70's Boracay Island is only famous among the locals and Aklanons.

Now, Boracay is so well known not only to the local Filipinos but to a lot of tourists as well. Progress in tourism and economic development has been abundant because of investments from local and foreign investors. Locals from the neighboring places and others towns are getting jobs from those hotels, resorts and bars owned by both locals and foreigners companies. Tremendous progress and development has been achieved since the late 70's.
I only have one request to all, please make Boracay clean and preserve the corals so our next generation can still have a chance to enjoy to see this wonderful place, truly a gift from nature. I hope the Philippine Department of Tourism will do a lot more to preserve this wonderful and beautiful place.